Happy Father's Day
Thank you, Daddy for your love and care
You are an amazing father and for us, you're always there
You have always been a hands-on father
Bathing and rocking us to sleep when we were babies
Cooking the best meals for us in boarding school
Helping us with our research assignments at the university
And empathizing with us when our hearts were broken
Although we are adults now, you love and care for us still
You think about us anytime a meal is set before you
You call to check if we have eaten too
Your grandchildren are your pride and joy
And they love you just as much
You are their number one nanny
So even though you scold them when they are naughty
You are still Grandpa Dearest
Thanks for all that you've done for us
For praying for us
For teaching us
For believing in us
And for loving us just as we are
We love you, Daddy
Happy Father's Day
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